Cridheachan Saillte I | Salted Hearts I - Katie Harris-MacLeod
Ceist na cuimhne: Na dìochuimhnich, ach tachraidh sin, tha fhios. Dìochuimhnichidh sinn daonnan, aig a’ cheann thall. Dìochuimhnichidh sinn fiù ‘s sinn fhìn. Thèid sinn air chall san eadar-theangachadh bhon t-saoghal seo chun an ath fhir.
Cruinneachadh de 9 eagrain chuingichte de Cyanotypes; Cyanotype agus Salainn; (14.81 x 21.01 cm); 2020.
The question of memory: Never forget, but of course we do. We always forget, eventually. We even forget ourselves. We become lost in translation between this world and the next.
A collation of 9 limited edition Cyanotypes; Cyanotype and Salt; (14.81 x 21.01 cm); 2020.