Cridheachan Saillte II | Salted Hearts II - Katie Harris-MacLeod
Comharran cuimhne mic-an-duine, air am brosnachadh le òran, sgaothan eun, tìde, sruthan, gaoth is muir.
Imrich; ùine; dìomaineachd; toirmean; ailidhean; cànan cuimhne; bròn.
Leabhar neach-ealain; Cyanotype agus Salainn; (Concertina 16 x 24cm, 300gsm); 2020.
Marks of human memory, inspired by song, murmuration, tide, currents, wind and sea.
Migration; time; transience; echoes; traces; language of memory; sorrow.
Artist’s book; Cyanotype and Salt; (Concertina 16 x 24cm, 300gsm); 2020.