Dannsair Siris | Cherry Dancer - Sheila Quillin


Leis a’ phìos fhiodh siris seo, tha mi a’ feuchainn ris a’ chòrdadh ’s a’ cho-sheirm, agus a’ chuimhne, agus a’ ghluasad, tha uile san fhiodh mu thràth, a thoirt am follais. Tha mi air sgeul no dhà a chlàradh gu h-ìosal a tha a’ togail an aon seòrsa faireachdainean annam.

With this piece of cherry wood, I’m trying to bring out the harmony and the memory and the movement that’s all in the wood already. I’ve recorded a story or two below that bring out the same sort of feelings in me.